
Sunday, November 6, 2011

Side dish #8: DIY Ninja costume!

After mulling over a couple ideas for what Alex should be for Halloween, I finally went back to the original idea...NINJA.

While some people are super elaborate, i went really simple and cheap!
First go to your local target and buy a black sweatsuit...$8.00
Next, go through your fabric stash and get some black fabric...5 minutes $0
research how to make head wrap (pictures found here) ...10 minutes
then cut the fabric so you can make one long skinny piece, and two rectangles 5 minutes
sew (if necessary) 2 strips together to make one long piece, hem two rectangles 10 minutes
wrap long piece around body to create the "yukata" look of the front.... 2 minutes
tie head piece on child's head... 5 minutes
trying to make it more like a ninja's head piece...good luck trying to get your squirming child to be still!
give up and call it a day, because regardless, you have one pretty cute ninja wandering around your house! :)

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